Kebijakan Program Google AdSense

Google Adsense sepertinya sudah tidak asing lagi bagi anda. Karena ini termasuk penyedian program PPC yang sangat menggiurkan. Tapi mungkin ada yang belum mengetahui tentang kebijakan - kebijakan pada program Google Adsense. Sehingga pada saat anda mendaftar tidak di Approve. Ini merupakan kebijakan - kebijakan Google Adsense yang terakhir kali diperbarui pada Agustus 2008 . Tanpa dikurangi atau ditambah sedikitpun.

Kebijakan Program Google AdSense

Penayang yang berpartisipasi dalam program AdSense diwajibkan
mematuhi kebijakan sebagai berikut. Kami meminta Anda untuk membaca
kebijakan ini dengan saksama dan sering merujuk ke dokumen ini. Jika
gagal mematuhi kebijakan ini, kami dapat menonaktifkan penyajian iklan
ke situs Anda dan/atau menonaktifkan account AdSense Anda. Meskipun
dalam beberapa kondisi kami lebih memilih untuk bekerjasama dengan
penayang yang mematuhi kebijakan, kami berhak untuk setiap saat
menonaktifkan account manapun. Jika account dinonaktifkan, Anda tidak
berhak untuk terus berpartisipasi dalam program AdSense.

Perlu diketahui bahwa kami dapat mengubah kebijakan setiap saat, dan berdasarkan Persyaratan dan Ketentuan, Anda bertanggung jawab untuk selalu mengikuti perkembangan dan mematuhi kebijakan yang diposting di sini.

Klik dan Jejak yang Tidak Valid

pada iklan Google harus berasal dari keinginan asli pengguna. Kami
sangat melarang cara apapun yang akan menghasilkan klik atau jejak
buatan pada iklan Google Anda. Cara yang terlarang tersebut mencakup
namun tidak terbatas pada, pengulangan klik atau jejak yang dilakukan
secara manual, penggunakan robot, perangkat penghasil klik dan jejak
otomatis, layanan pihak ketiga yang menghasilkan klik atau jejak
seperti bayar untuk mengklik, bayar untuk surfing, surfing otomatis,
dan berbagai program pertukaran klik, atau perangkat tipu daya apapun. Perlu diketahui bahwa kami melarang Anda untuk mengklik iklan sendiri dengan alasan apapun. Kelalaian dalam memenuhi kebijakan ini dapat mengakibatkan penonaktifan account Anda.

Mendorong klik

Untuk memastikan pengalaman yang baik bagi pengguna dan pengiklan,
penayang tidak boleh meminta pengguna mengklik iklan di situs mereka
atau mengandalkan metode penerapan yang bersifat tipu daya untuk
mendapatkan klik. Penayang yang berpartisipasi dalam program AdSense:

  • Tidak boleh mendorong pengguna untuk mengklik iklan Google
    menggunakan frase seperti "klik iklan ini", "dukung kami", "kunjungi
    link ini", atau bahasa lain yang serupa

  • Tidak boleh mengarahkan perhatian pengguna ke iklan melalui tanda panah atau materi grafis lainnya

  • Tidak boleh menempatkan gambar yang menyesatkan di samping setiap iklan

  • Tidak boleh mempromosikan situs yang menampilkan iklan melalui
    email massal yang tidak dikehendaki atau iklan yang tidak diinginkan di
    situs Web pihak ketiga

  • Tidak boleh memberikan kompensasi kepada pengguna untuk
    melihat iklan atau melakukan pencarian, atau menjanjikan kompensasi
    kepada pihak ketiga atas perilaku tersebut

  • Tidak boleh menempatkan label yang menyesatkan di atas unit
    iklan Google, misalnya iklan berlabel "Link Sponsor" namun bukan "Situs

Konten Situs

Google menawarkan akses luas ke berbagai konten dalam indeks pencarian,
namun penayang dalam program AdSense hanya dapat menempatkan iklan
Google di situs yang mematuhi panduan konten kami, dan iklan tersebut
tidak boleh ditampilkan pada halaman manapun yang sebagian besar
kontennya menggunakan bahasa yang tidak didukung. Lihat daftar bahasa yang didukung.

Situs yang menampilkan iklan Google tidak boleh mencakup:

  • Konten kekerasan, SARA, atau dukungan terhadap seseorang, sekelompok orang, atau organisasi apapun

  • Konten pornografi, dewasa, atau vulgar

  • Konten hacking/cracking

  • Obat-obatan terlarang dan peralatan obat-obatan terlarang

  • Konten tidak senonoh yang berlebihan

  • Konten yang terkait dengan perjudian atau kasino

  • Konten tentang program yang memberikan kompensasi kepada
    pengguna untuk mengklik iklan atau penawaran, melakukan pencarian,
    surfing situs Web, atau membaca email

  • Kata kunci yang berlebihan, berulang, atau tidak relevan dalam konten atau kode halaman Web

  • Konten yang bersifat tipu daya atau manipulatif atau struktur
    iklan untuk meningkatkan peringkat mesin pencari di situs Anda,
    misalnya Peringkat Halaman situs

  • Penjualan atau promosi senjata atau amunisi (msalnya, pistol, pisau, senjata bius)

  • Penjualan atau promosi bir atau alkohol berat

  • Penjualan atau promosi tembakau atau produk yang terkait dengan tembakau

  • Penjualan atau promosi obat resep

  • Penjualan atau promosi produk yang merupakan tiruan atau imitasi barang bermerek

  • Penjualan atau distribusi makalah ujian atau tugas siswa

  • Konten lainnya yang ilegal, mempromosikan aktivitas ilegal, atau melanggar hak hukum pihak lain

Materi yang Dilindungi Hak Cipta

Penayang situs Web tidak boleh menampilkan iklan Google pada halaman
Web dengan konten yang dilindungi undang-undang hak cipta, kecuali jika
mereka memiliki hak hukum yang diharuskan untuk menampilkan konten
tersebut. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi kebijakan DMCA.

Panduan Webmaster

Penayang AdSense diharuskan mematuhi panduan kualitas webmaster yang diposting di

Aktivitas Situs dan Iklan

yang menampilkan iklan Google harus mudah dinavigasi oleh pengguna dan
tidak boleh berisi pop-up yang berlebihan. Kode AdSense tidak boleh
diganti, atau aktivitas iklan standar tidak boleh dimanipulasi dengan
cara apapun yang tidak diizinkan secara tersurat oleh Google.

  • Situs yang menampilkan iklan Google tidak boleh berisi pop-up atau
    pop-under yang mengganggu navigasi situs, mengubah preferensi pengguna,
    atau memulai proses download.

  • Kode AdSense apapun harus disisipkan langsung ke halaman Web
    tanpa modifikasi. Peserta AdSense tidak boleh mengganti bagian apapun
    dalam kode atau mengubah aktivitas, penargetan, maupun penayangan
    iklan. Misalnya, klik pada iklan Google tidak boleh ditampilkan di
    jendela browser baru.

  • Situs atau pihak ketiga tidak dapat menampilkan iklan, kotak
    pencarian, atau tombol referensi sebagai hasil tindakan aplikasi
    perangkat lunak apapun, seperti toolbar.

  • Tidak ada kode AdSense yang dapat digabungkan dengan aplikasi perangkat lunak.

  • Halaman Web yang berisi kode AdSense tidak boleh diambil
    dengan perangkat lunak apapun yang dapat memicu pop-up, mengarahkan
    ulang pengguna ke situs Web yang tidak dikehendaki, memodifikasi
    pengaturan browser, atau mengganggu navigasi situs. Anda bertanggung
    jawab untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada jaringan iklan atau afiliasinya
    yang menggunakan metode tersebut dalam mengarahkan lalu lintas ke
    halaman yang berisi kode AdSense.

  • Penawaran referensi harus dilakukan tanpa kewajiban atau
    persyaratan apapun kepada pengguna akhir. Penayang tidak boleh meminta
    alamat email dari pengguna dalam kaitannya dengan unit referensi

  • Penayang yang menggunakan iklan online untuk mengarahkan lalu
    lintas ke halaman yang menampilkan iklan Google harus memenuhi semangat Panduan Kualitas Halaman Arahan Google. Misalnya, jika Anda mengiklankan situs yang berpartisipasi
    dalam program AdSense, maka iklan tersebut tidak boleh memperdaya

Penempatan Iklan

menawarkan sejumlah format dan produk iklan. Penayang dianjurkan untuk
mencoba beragam penempatan, asalkan mematuhi kebijakan sebagai berikut:

  • Hingga 3 unit iklan dapat ditampilkan pada setiap halaman.

  • Maksimal 2 Google AdSense untuk kotak pencarian dapat ditempatkan pada halaman.

  • Hingga 3 unit link juga dapat ditempatkan pada setiap halaman.

  • Hingga 3 unit referensi dari setiap produk atau penawaran
    referensi dapat ditampilkan pada halaman, selain unit iklan, kotak
    pencarian, dan unit link yang dijelaskan di atas.

  • AdSense untuk halaman hasil pencarian hanya dapat menampilkan
    satu unit link iklan selain iklan yang disajikan Google dengan hasil
    pencarian. Iklan lain tidak dapat ditampilkan pada halaman hasil
    pencarian Anda.

  • Iklan Google atau kotak pencarian Google tidak dapat ditampilkan dalam pop-up, pop-under, atau email.

  • Bagian halaman tidak boleh menyamarkan bagian iklan.

  • Iklan Google tidak dapat ditempatkan pada halaman yang berbasis nonkonten.

  • Iklan Google tidak dapat ditempatkan pada halaman yang
    ditayangkan khusus untuk tujuan menampilkan iklan, baik jika konten
    halaman relevan maupun tidak.

Iklan dan Layanan Bersaing

pengguna tidak bingung, kami tidak mengizinkan iklan atau kotak
pencarian Google ditayangkan di situs Web yang juga berisi iklan atau
layanan lain yang diformat menggunakan tata letak dan warna sama
seperti iklan atau kotak pencarian Google di situs tersebut. Meskipun
Anda boleh menjual iklan secara langsung di situs, namun Anda
bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan iklan tersebut tidak serupa dengan
iklan Google.

Cookie Iklan Google

Google menggunakan cookie DoubleClick DART (hanya dalam bahasa Inggris) di situs Web penayang yang menampilkan
iklan AdSense untuk konten. Berdasarkan ketentuan, peraturan, dan
undang-undang yang berlaku, Anda memiliki hak tunggal dan eksklusif
untuk menggunakan semua data yang diperoleh dari penggunaan cookie
DoubleClick DART demi tujuan apapun yang terkait dengan bisnis, hanya
jika Google menggunakan dan mengungkapkan data tersebut berdasarkan
persyaratan dalam kebijakan privasi iklan Google (hanya dalam bahasa Inggris) serta ketentuan, peraturan, dan undang-undang yang berlaku.

Jika kontrak layanan iklan yang ada dengan Google atau DoubleClick
telah memiliki ketentuan spesifik tentang kepemilikan data, maka
ketentuan tersebut akan menggantikan kebijakan ini dalam mengatur
pengumpulan data berdasarkan kontrak.

Penayang AdSense harus mengetahui dan mematuhi kebijakan privasi
yang menjelaskan bahwa pihak ketiga dapat menempatkan dan membaca
cookie di browser pengguna atau menggunakan beacon Web untuk
mengumpulkan informasi terkait dengan penayangan iklan di situs Web
Anda. Selengkapnya tentang cara mempersiapkan kebijakan privasi.

Install Backtrack pada Komputer atau Laptop

Kalian semua tentu telah mengetahui sistem operasi gratis dan open source Backtrack. Sistem Backtrack begitu flexibel bagi kalian yang membutuhkan bermacam - macam software untuk menguji coba sistem keamanan yang telah dimiliki. Karena Open Source begitu banyak software yang bisa diinclude pada sistem. Tapi begitu sangat disayangkan, karena sistem ini live CD alias nggak bisa diinstall pada harddisk. Tapi sebenarnya perkataan itu salah. Backtrack sudah bisa diinstall pada Komputer maupun Laptop. Langkah - langkahnya anda dapat melihatnya pada Dan saya telah menemukan juga transcript movienya. Silahkan print atau ditulis terlebih dahulu agar tidak kebigungan nantinya. Ini scriptnya :

login as root


(open a terminal window)

mount (to see what partitions we have e.g. /dev/hda1 on /mnt/hda1 type ntfs (ro))

umount /mnt/hda1/

qtparted (to resize partitions to shrink ntfs partition down to ~3.77GB leave 4.23G for BT2)

exit from qtparted (after committing changes to disc)

use fdisk to create three new partitions as follows:

fdisk /dev/hda

p (to show current partitions)




(press return)

+64M (for /boot)




(press return)

+1024M (for swap)




(press return)

(press return) uses remaining space for the fourth partition



82 (to change the type of partition 3 to that of a swap partition)

w (to write changes to the disc).

(NOTE: if you get any sort of error message here it is very important to reboot and then continue from here)

(You now need to format your three partitions)

mke2fs /dev/hda2

mkswap /dev/hda3

swapon /dev/hda3

mkreiserfs /dev/hda4 (note: the author of the Movie likes to use reiserfs, but you can use whichever you prefer)


(Now you can start installing bt2)

mkdir /mnt/backtrack

mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/backtrack/

mkdir /mnt/backtrack/boot/

mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/backtrack/boot/

cp --preserve -R /{bin,dev,home,pentest,root,usr,etc,lib,opt,sbin,var} /mnt/backtrack/

(Note: this has to copy 600+MB and takes a little while, so perhaps have a coffee)

mkdir /mnt/backtrack/{mnt,proc,sys,tmp}

mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/backtrack/dev/

mount -t proc proc /mnt/backtrack/proc/

cp /boot/vmlinuz /mnt/backtrack/boot/ (command changed to suit new BT 2.0 file location)

chroot /mnt/backtrack/ /bin/bash (returned /dev/pts/0: no such file or directory)

(Now you need to alter lilo.conf and write it to the mbr)

nano /etc/lilo.conf (you can use your favorite editor to do this)

(strip out all comments for clarity, and end up with lilo.conf as follows:)


boot /dev/hda

#message = /boot/boot_message.txt (we may not have this file)






#linux bootable partition config begins

image = /boot/vmlinuz

root = /dev/hda4

label = backtrack2


#linux bootable partition ends

(note: you can get your bootsplash back by giving the command
"makesplash" and adding an initrd line to your lilo.conf. When you do
this make sure /boot is mounted)

#windows bootable partition config begins

other = /dev/hda1

label = WindowsXP

table = /dev/hda

#windows bootable partition config ends

(save file)

lilo -v


(now reboot).

Backtrack 3 telah beredar dan kita disajikan Versi Image, VMWare. Dengan VMWare ini kita nggak perlu susah -susah meinstall pada harddisk. Cukup menginstall Software VMWare atau semacamnya kita dah bisa menggunkannya.


Membuat Sistem Operasi Windows Live Usb

Sistem Operasi Windows memang sangat digemari dikalangan masyarakat saat ini. Karena hampir semua Games hanya bisa berjalan pada sistem ini. Tapi bagaimana jika sewaktu - waktu Sistem Windows anda rusak, Missing error atau pada saat booting selesai malah muncul Restart CTRL + ALT DEL. Kalau seperti itu windows anda harus diinstall ulang. Seandainya anda tidak punya waktu untuk menginstall ulang windows dan membutuhkan sebuah data atau lebih yang berada pada harddisk. Anda pasti kebingungan bukan? Nah, ada cara untuk menanganinya ketika hal seperti ini sewaktu - waktu terjadi.

Anda perlu menyiapkan peralatan dan software yang diperlukan yaitu :
1. Sebuah Komputer atau Laptop beroperating system Windows
2. Cd Windows XP Profesional
3. Usb Flash Drive (Flash Disk) minimal 256 Mb
4. HP USB Device Storange Format Tool, Download
5. PE Builder, Download
Setelah semua peralatan dan software yang dibutuhkan telah anda dapatkan. Kini anda dapat memulai membuat Windows Live Usb. Akan tetapi alangkah lebih baik jika anda mengetahui software yang akan anda gunakan terlebih dahulu.

HP USB Device Storange Format Tool

Software ini berguna untuk memformat Flash Drive anda. Dengan software ini anda bisa memformat Flash Drive anda menjadi FAT, FAT32, dan NTFS dengan mengubah pilihan combobox pada File Sistem.

PE Bulider
Software ini digunakan untuk membuild Windows Xp menjadi BartPE. Setelah anda menginstall software dan menjalankannya. Masukkan CD Windows XP pada Drive CD/DVD Komputer lalu tentukan source pada PE Builder dengan alamat Drive CD/DVD yang telah anda masukkan, Destinationnya diisi BartPE, dengan ini akan membuat sebuah folder baru dengan nama BartPE yang akan tersimpan pada C:\pebuilder_Versi\BartPE pada folder itulah nantinya hasil build dari Windows XP akan disimpan.

Install BartPE pada Flash Drive USB

Bukalah aplikasi Command Prompt atau disingkat menjadi CMD. Tentukan direktori aktif menjadi c:\pebuilder_versi\plugin\peinst\dan ketikkan perintah peinst lalu enter. Pada aplikasi ini anda hanya menentukan alamat dari BartPE dan alamat dari Flash Drive Usb yang digunakan untuk tempat penyimpanan data tersebut.

Tekan angka 1 dan tentukan alamat dari BartPE (c:\pebuilder_versi\BartPE)
Angka 2 Menentukan alamat Flash Drive Usb (contoh h:)
Angka 5 lalu angka 1 agar proses instalasi dimulai.



Cara membuat logo mirip google

Pengen tau gimana sih caranya bikin logo seperti paman GOOGLE? Ceritanya gini,
Dahulu kala ada seseorang yang.... eh salah. Nie serius lho, untuk bisa memiliki logo seperti milik saya yang dibawah ini atau taklah lain milik paman GOOGLE
caranya gampang banget. Cukum kamu isi form dibawah ini dengan logo yang kamu inginkan

atau bisa langsung kesitusnya yaitu
Dah dulu ya, mu bobo' dulu ngantuk

Free Subdomain CO.CC

kamu bisa punya 2 subdomain CO.CC. Dengan syarat, kamu mesti punya alamat email. yah pastilah, dimana - mana kalau nggak punya alamat email. PASTI GAPTEK BANGET. Maaf jangaj tersinggung ya.... bercanda doang. untuk lebih lanjut kamu daftar disini

CO.CC:Free Domain

Nah, kalau udah diisi semua aplikasinya. Kamu dah bisa langsung login ke CO.CC. Disini kamu bisa mendapatkan fasilitas seperti beli domain dot com.

Pertama Kita bisa mentukan jalur DNS (Domain Name System), ini berguna ketika kita mempunyai hosting. Karena setian hosting yang kita miliki pasti meminta domain yang akan kita gunakan nantinya. Tapi, bukan domain semacam blog twister, friendster dan lainnya. Tapi sebuah domain atau subdomain yang bisa diatus oleh kita.

Kedua yaitu zone record, saya belum pernah mencobanya jadi maaf sebelunya saya tidak bisa memberikan review sekitpun tentang zone record.

Nah yang terakhir adalah Url Forwarding. Dengan fasilitas ini, fasilitas ini kita bisa menyembunyikan alamat URL kita atau tidak Coba kalian klik ini Meski saya telah menuliskan alamat tersebut. akan tetapi yang keluar adalah ini dikarenakan url yang telah saya masukkan tidak disembunyikan. Oh ya, hampir lupa. Jika kalian melakukan pilihan nomer tiga kalian dapat fasilitas PLUS yaitu bisa mempunyai alamat email sesuai alat subdomain yang telah kalian daftarkan. asik bukan.

Harga Blog Anda

Ingin tahu berapakah harga dari blog yang telah kita kelola selama ini?Kira - kira harga blog kita ya? kalau kalian semua penasaran sekali. kalian bisa mengunjungi situs ini kalian cukup memasukkan alamat blog dan enter. Pasti ketahuan yang sering dikunjungi ma nggak. Karena harga yang tertera disitu nggak sembaranggan dikasih. Yah, kalau pengen tambah mahal harganya. ya sering -sering saja update minimal seminggu 3 kali kalau bisa. Tapi kalau nggak, ya seminggu sekali deh. Jangan lupa pengunjung datang karena ingin mendapatkan apa yang mereka cari. bukan asal - asalah update tapi artikel yang ditampilkan nggak bermutu alias sampah

How to Create a bootable Backtrack 2.0 USB flashdrive

The Backtrack 2.0 final distribution isprobably the finest collection of open source network penetration,security, and auditing tools currently available. I use this softwarefor some network penetration testing and security auditing work Iperform. I suggest only using these tools on networks you own or havepermission to audit because of potential legal ramifications. Thatbeing said, here’s what the Backtrack 2.0 is all about.
According to the remote-exploit web site,
“BackTrack is the most Top rated linux live distribution focused onpenetration testing. With no installation whatsoever, the analysisplatform is started directly from the CD-Rom and is fully accessiblewithin minutes.
It’s evolved from the merge of the two wide spread distributions Whax and Auditor Security Collection.By joining forces and replacing these distribution the BackTrack couldgain a massive popularity and was voted in 2006 as #1 at the surveil Security professionals as well as new-comers are using itas their favorite toolset all over the globe.”
Backtrack 2.0 contains over 300 security tools, and it can be downloaded here. You can find detailed notes that describe how to install Backtrack to a hard drive, and don’t forget to check out the wiki, which details installing Backtrack in many different configurations.
Now that you know what Backtrack 2 contains and why you might wantto use it, here’s the quick instructions for creating a bootable USBstick installation from a Windows machine (Vista Business, in thisinstance).
1) Format your USB drive using FAT32. Do not perform a quick format.
2) Download the Backtrack 2 final .iso and open it with your favorite compression/extraction program. I like Universal Extractor, aka UniExtract.
3) Copy the boot and BT directories from the Backtrack .iso and copy them to your USB drive.
4) Open a command prompt by clicking Start - Run and typing cmd then press enter.
Note: if you’re using Windows Vista you’ll need to open an elevatedcommand prompt, which can do more things than a regular command prompt.To do this, click the Windows Vista icon, right click Command Promptand select Run as administrator - Continue.
5) Change to the drive letter associated with your USB drive. If youdon’t know what letter your USB drive is, and you cannot figure it out,this may not be the best software for you to use.
6) Type cd boot and press enter to change to the boot directory on your USB drive.
7) Type bootinst.bat and press enter to make your USBdrive bootable. You be asked to press any key to continue. Once thebatch file completes you should be able to restart your machine andboot from the Backtrack USB drive.
Parting Notes
Creating the bootable USB drive from the Backtrack GUI Installer did not work for me for whatever reason, and neither did the BackTrack 2.0 Downloader and USB-Stick burner for Windows.Maybe it has to do with using a newer 8 GB flash drive, I’m not sure.There are also many other methods you can try if this doesn’t work foryou, just Google it.
You can also try using the MySlax Creator to add drivers, patches, and other modules to your Backtrack.iso file. has a nice video showing you exactly what needs to be done to integrate these updates into your distribution.

Transcript of movie Install Backtrack To Harddisk

  • login as root
  • startx
  • (open a terminal window)
  • mount (to see what partitions we have e.g. /dev/hda1 on /mnt/hda1 type ntfs (ro))
  • umount /mnt/hda1/
  • qtparted (to resize partitions to shrink ntfs partition down to ~3.77GB leave 4.23G for BT2)
  • exit from qtparted (after committing changes to disc)
  • use fdisk to create three new partitions as follows:
  • fdisk /dev/hda

  • p (to show current partitions)
  • n
  • p
  • 2
  • (press return)
  • +64M (for /boot)
  • n
  • p
  • 3
  • (press return)
  • +1024M (for swap)
  • n
  • p
  • 4
  • (press return)
  • (press return) uses remaining space for the fourth partition
  • t
  • 3
  • 82 (to change the type of partition 3 to that of a swap partition)
  • w (to write changes to the disc).
  • (NOTE: if you get any sort of error message here it is very important to reboot and then continue from here)
  • (You now need to format your three partitions)
  • mke2fs /dev/hda2
  • mkswap /dev/hda3
  • swapon /dev/hda3
  • mkreiserfs /dev/hda4 (note: the author of the Movie likes to use reiserfs, but you can use whichever you prefer)
  • y
  • (Now you can start installing bt2)
  • mkdir /mnt/backtrack
  • mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/backtrack/
  • mkdir /mnt/backtrack/boot/
  • mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/backtrack/boot/
  • cp --preserve -R /{bin,dev,home,pentest,root,usr,etc,lib,opt,sbin,var} /mnt/backtrack/
  • (Note: this has to copy 600+MB and takes a little while, so perhaps have a coffee)
  • mkdir /mnt/backtrack/{mnt,proc,sys,tmp}
  • mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/backtrack/dev/
  • mount -t proc proc /mnt/backtrack/proc/
  • cp /boot/vmlinuz /mnt/backtrack/boot/ (command changed to suit new BT 2.0 file location)
  • chroot /mnt/backtrack/ /bin/bash (returned /dev/pts/0: no such file or directory)
  • (Now you need to alter lilo.conf and write it to the mbr)
  • nano /etc/lilo.conf (you can use your favorite editor to do this)
  • (strip out all comments for clarity, and end up with lilo.conf as follows:)
  • lba32
  • boot /dev/hda
  • #message = /boot/boot_message.txt (we may not have this file)
  • prompt
  • timeout=1200
  • change-rules
  • reset
  • vga=791
  • #linux bootable partition config begins
  • image = /boot/vmlinuz
  • root = /dev/hda4
  • label = backtrack2
  • read-only
  • #linux bootable partition ends
  • (note: you can get your bootsplash back by giving the command"makesplash" and adding an initrd line to your lilo.conf. When you dothis make sure /boot is mounted)
  • #windows bootable partition config begins
  • other = /dev/hda1
  • label = WindowsXP
  • table = /dev/hda
  • #windows bootable partition config ends
  • (save file)
  • lilo -v
  • exit
  • (now reboot).
  • Retrieved from "

    18 About This Document

    This document is copyright c 2003-2006, Andrew J. Bennieston. This documentis provided in several formats, including LaTeX source, and it may be freely

    redistributed in any form, providing no changes are made to the content. Thelatest version can always be found at http://www.nmap-tutorial.com20

    17 Frequently Asked Questions

    This section was added as an extra to the original tutorial as it became popular and some questions were asked about particular aspects of an nmap scan. I’ll use this part of the tutorial to merge some of those into the main tutorial itself.

    17.1 I tried a scan and it appeared in firewall logs oralerts. What else can I do to help hide my scan?
    This question assumes you used a scan command along the lines of:
    1 nmap -sS -P0 -p 1-140 -O -D,
    2, -sV Each xxx corresponds to an octet of the IP address/addresses. This isinstructing NMAP to run a Stealth scan (-sS) without pinging (-P0) on ports 1to 140 (-p 1-140), to use OS Detection (-O) and to use Decoys (-D). The threecomma-separated IPs are the decoy IPs to use. It also specifies to use versionscanning (-sV) which attempts to determine precisely which program is runningon a port.
    Now, heres the analysis of this command: A stealth scan (-sS) is often pickedup by most firewalls and IDS systems nowdays. It was originally designed toprevent logging of a scan in the logs for whatever server is running on the portthe scanner connects to. In other words, if the scan connects to port 80 to testif its open, Apache (or whatever other webserver they may be using) will log theconnection in its logfiles.
    The -sS scan option doesn’t make a full TCP connect (which can be achievedwith the -sT option, or by not running as root) but resets the connection beforeit can be fully established. As such, most servers will not log the connection, butan IDS or firewall will recognise this behaviour (in repeated cases) as typical ofa port scan. This will mean that the scan shows up in firewall or IDS logs andalerts. There are few ways around this, to be honest. Most firewall/IDS softwarenowdays is quite good at detecting these things; particularly if its running on thesame host as the victim (the system you are scanning).
    Note also, that decoys will not prevent your IP showing entirely; it just liststhe others as well. A particularly well designed IDS may even be able to figureout which is the real source of the scans.
    Where speed of scan isn’t essential, the -P0 option is a good idea. Nmapgains timing information from pinging the host, and can often complete its scansfaster with this information, but the ping packets will be sent to the victim fromyour IP, and any IDS worth its CPU cycles will pick up on the pattern of afew pings followed by connects to a variety of ports. -P0 also allows scanning ofhosts which do not respond to pings (i.e. if ICMP is blocked by a firewall or byin-kernel settings).
    I mentioned timing in the above paragraph. You can use the -T timing optionto slow the scan down. The slower a scan is, the less likely it is to be detected byan IDS. There are bound to be occasional random connects occurring, people typean IP in wrong or try to connect and their computer crashes half way throughthe connect. These things happen, and unless an IDS is configured extremelystrictly, they generally aren’t reported (at least, not in the main alert logs, theymay be logged if logging of all traffic is enabled, but typically these kind of logsare only checked if theres evidence of something going on). Setting the timing to-T 0 or -T 1 (Paranoid or Sneaky) should help avoid detection. As mentioned inmy main tutorial, you can also set timing options for each aspect of a scan,Timings for individual aspects of a scan can also be set using the –host timeout, –max rtt timeout, –min rtt timeout, –initial rtt timeout,–max parallelism, –min parallelism, and –scan delay options. See theNmap manual for details.
    The final note I will add to this answer is that use of the Idle scan method(-sI) means that not a single packet is sent to the victim from your IP (providedyou also use the -P0 option to turn off pings). This is the ultimate in stealth asthere is absolutely no way the victim can determine that your IP is responsiblefor the scan (short of obtaining log information from the host you used as partof your idle scan).

    17.2 NMAP seems to have stopped, or my scan is takinga very long while. Why is this?
    The timing options can make it take a very long time. I believe the -T Paranoid( -T 0 )option waits up to 5 minutes between packets... now, for 65000 ports,thats 65000 x 5 = 325000 minutes = 225 days!!
    -T Sneaky ( -T 1 ) waits up to 15 seconds between scans, and is thereforemore useful; but scans will still take a long while! You can use -v to get moreverbose output, which will alert you as to the progress of the scan. Using -v twicemakes the output even more verbose.

    17.3 Will -sN -sX and -sF work against any host, or justWindows hosts?
    -sN -sX and -sF scans will work against any host, but Windows computers donot respond correctly to them, so scanning a Windows machine with these scansresults in all ports appearing closed. Scanning a *nix or other system should workjust fine, though. As I said in the main tutorial, -sX -sF and -sN are commonlyused to determine if you’re scanning a Windows host or not, without using the-O fingerprinting option.
    The Nmap manual page should help to determine which scans work alongsidewhich options, and on which target systems they are most effective.

    17.4 How do I find a dummy host for the Idle Scan (-sI)?
    You simply have to scan for hosts using sequential IPID sequences, these are(often) suitable for use as a dummy host for the -sI Idle Scan.

    17.5 What does ”Host seems down. If it is really up, butblocking our ping probes, try -P0” mean?
    When Nmap starts, it tries to ping the host to check that it is online. Nmap alsogains timing information from this ping. If the remote host, or a system on thepath between you and the remote host, is blocking pings, this ping will not bereplied to, and Nmap will not start scanning. Using the -P0 option, you can turnoff ping-on-start and have Nmap try to scan anyway.

    17.6 Where can I find NmapFE?
    NmapFE is a graphical front-end for Nmap.NmapFE for UNIX/Linux is included in the Nmap source. NmapFE for OSXis available at NmapFE for Windowsis under development as part of NmapFE++, a new frontend for Linux, OSXand Windows. Information is available at

    7 IP Protocol Scans [-sO]

    The IP Protocol Scans attempt to determine the IP protocols supported on atarget. Nmap sends a raw IP packet without any additional protocol header (seea good TCP/IP book for information about IP packets), to each protocol on thetarget machine. Receipt of an ICMP Protocol Unreachable message tells us theprotocol is not in use, otherwise it is assumed open. Not all hosts send ICMPProtocol Unreachable messages. These may include firewalls, AIX, HP-UX andDigital UNIX). These machines will report all protocols open.

    This scan type also falls victim to the ICMP limiting rate described in theUDP scans section, however since only 256 protocols are possible (8-bit field forIP protocol in the IP header) it should not take too long.Results of an -sO on my Linux workstation are included below.
    1 [chaos]# nmap -sO
    3 Starting Nmap 4.01 at 2006-07-14 12:56 BST
    4 Interesting protocols on chaos(
    5 (The 251 protocols scanned but not shown below are
    6 in state: closed)
    8 1 open icmp
    9 2 open|filtered igmp
    10 6 open tcp
    11 17 open udp
    12 255 open|filtered unknown
    14 Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in
    15 1.259 seconds

    16 Typical Scanning Session

    First, we’ll sweep the network with a simple Ping scan to determine which hostsare online.
    1 [chaos]# nmap -sP
    3 Starting Nmap 4.01 ( ) at
    4 2006-07-14 14:19 BST

    5 Host appears to be up.
    6 MAC Address: 00:09:5B:29:FD:96 (Netgear)
    7 Host appears to be up.
    8 MAC Address: 00:0F:B5:96:38:5D (Netgear)
    9 Host appears to be up.
    10 Host appears to be up.
    11 MAC Address: 00:14:2A:B1:1E:2E (Elitegroup Computer System Co.)
    12 Nmap finished: 256 IP addresses (4 hosts up) scanned in 5.399 seconds
    Now we’re going to take a look at and, both listed as Netgearin the ping sweep. These IPs are good criteria for routers (in fact I know that10.0.0.1 is a router and is a wireless access point, since it’s my network,but lets see what Nmap makes of it...)We’ll scan using a SYN scan [-sS] and -A to enable OS fingerprintingand version detection.
    1 [chaos]# nmap -sS -A
    3 Starting Nmap 4.01 ( ) at
    4 2006-07-14 14:23 BST
    5 Insufficient responses for TCP sequencing (0),
    6 OS detection may be less accurate
    7 Interesting ports on
    8 (The 1671 ports scanned but not shown below are in state:
    9 closed)
    11 80/tcp open tcpwrapped
    12 MAC Address: 00:09:5B:29:FD:96 (Netgear)
    13 Device type: WAP
    14 Running: Compaq embedded, Netgear embedded
    15 OS details: WAP: Compaq iPAQ Connection Point or
    16 Netgear MR814
    18 Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in
    19 3.533 seconds
    The only open port is 80/tcp - in this case, the web admin interface for therouter. OS fingerprinting guessed it was a Netgear Wireless Access Point - in factthis is a Netgear (wired) ADSL router. As it said, though, there were insufficientresponses for TCP sequencing to accurately detect the OS.Now we’ll do the same for
    1 [chaos]# nmap -sS -A
    3 Starting Nmap 4.01 ( )
    4 at 2006-07-14 14:26 BST
    5 Interesting ports on
    6 (The 1671 ports scanned but not shown below are in state:
    7 closed)
    9 80/tcp open http Boa HTTPd 0.94.11
    10 MAC Address: 00:0F:B5:96:38:5D (Netgear)15
    11 Device type: general purpose
    12 Running: Linux 2.4.X|2.5.X
    13 OS details: Linux 2.4.0 - 2.5.20
    14 Uptime 14.141 days (since Fri Jun 30 11:03:05 2006)
    16 Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 9.636
    17 seconds
    Interestingly, the OS detection here listed Linux, and the version detectionwas able to detect the httpd running. The accuracy of this is uncertain, thisis a Netgear home wireless access point, so it could be running some embeddedLinux!Now we’ll move on to and, these are likely to be normalcomputers running on the network...
    1 [chaos]# nmap -sS -P0 -A -v
    3 Starting Nmap 4.01 ( ) at
    4 2006-07-14 14:31 BST
    5 DNS resolution of 1 IPs took 0.10s. Mode:
    6 Async [#: 2, OK: 0, NX: 1, DR: 0, SF: 0, TR: 1, CN: 0]
    7 Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against [1672 ports] at 14:31
    8 Discovered open port 21/tcp on
    9 Discovered open port 22/tcp on
    10 Discovered open port 631/tcp on
    11 Discovered open port 6000/tcp on
    12 The SYN Stealth Scan took 0.16s to scan 1672 total ports.
    13 Initiating service scan against 4 services on at 14:31
    14 The service scan took 6.01s to scan 4 services on 1 host.
    15 For OSScan assuming port 21 is open, 1 is closed, and neither are
    16 firewalled17 Host appears to be up ... good.
    18 Interesting ports on
    19 (The 1668 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
    21 21/tcp open ftp vsftpd 2.0.3
    22 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.2 (protocol 1.99)
    23 631/tcp open ipp CUPS 1.1
    24 6000/tcp open X11 (access denied)
    25 Device type: general purpose
    26 Running: Linux 2.4.X|2.5.X|2.6.X
    27 OS details: Linux 2.4.0 - 2.5.20, Linux 2.5.25 - 2.6.8 or
    28 Gentoo 1.2 Linux 2.4.19 rc1-rc716
    29 TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
    30 Difficulty=4732564 (Good luck!)
    31 IPID Sequence Generation: All zeros
    32 Service Info: OS: Unix
    34 Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 8.333 seconds
    35 Raw packets sent: 1687 (74.7KB) | Rcvd: 3382 (143KB)
    From this, we can deduce that is a Linux system (in fact, the one I’mtyping this tutorial on!) running a 2.4 to 2.6 kernel (Actually, Slackware Linux10.2 on a kernel) with open ports 21/tcp, 22/tcp, 631/tcp and 6000/tcp.All but 6000 have version information listed. The scan found the IPID sequenceto be all zeros, which makes it useless for idle scanning, and the TCP Sequenceprediction as random positive integers. The -v option is needed to get Nmap toprint the IPID information out!Now, onto
    1 [chaos]# nmap -sS -P0 -A -v
    3 Starting Nmap 4.01 ( )
    4 at 2006-07-14 14:35 BST
    5 Initiating ARP Ping Scan against [1 port] at 14:35
    6 The ARP Ping Scan took 0.01s to scan 1 total hosts.
    7 DNS resolution of 1 IPs took 0.02s. Mode: Async
    8 [#: 2, OK: 0, NX: 1, DR: 0, SF: 0, TR: 1, CN: 0]
    9 Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against [1672 ports] at 14:35
    10 The SYN Stealth Scan took 35.72s to scan 1672 total ports.
    11 Warning: OS detection will be MUCH less reliable because we did
    12 not find at least 1 open and 1 closed TCP port
    13 Host appears to be up ... good.
    14 All 1672 scanned ports on are: filtered
    15 MAC Address: 00:14:2A:B1:1E:2E (Elitegroup Computer System Co.)
    16 Too many fingerprints match this host to give specific OS details
    17 TCP/IP fingerprint:
    18 SInfo(V=4.01%P=i686-pc-linux-gnu%D=7/14%Tm=44B79DC6%O=-1%C=-1%M=00142A)
    19 T5(Resp=N)
    20 T6(Resp=N)
    21 T7(Resp=N)
    22 PU(Resp=N)
    24 Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 43.855 seconds
    25 Raw packets sent: 3369 (150KB) | Rcvd: 1 (42B)
    17No open ports, and Nmap couldn’t detect the OS. This suggests that it isa firewalled or otherwise protected system, with no services running (and yet itresponded to ping sweeps).We now have rather more information about this network than we did whenwe started, and can guess at several other things based on these results. Usingthat information, and the more advanced Nmap scans, we can obtain further scanresults which will help to plan an attack, or to fix weaknesses, in this network.

    15 Other Nmap Options

    15.1 IPv6
    The -6 option enables IPv6 in Nmap (provided your OS has IPv6 support). Currentlyonly TCP connect, and TCP connect ping scan are supported. For otherscantypes, see

    15.2 Verbose Mode
    Highly recommended, -vUse -v twice for more verbosity. The option -d can also be used (once ortwice) to generate more verbose output. 
    15.3 Resuming
    Scans cancelled with Ctrl+C can be resumed with the –resume ¡logfilename¿option. The logfile must be a Normal or Grepable logfile (-oN or -oG).13
    15.4 Reading Targets From A File
    -iL ¡inputfilename¿ reads targets from inputfilename rather than from the commandline.The file should contain a hostlist or list of network expressions separated byspaces, tabs or newlines. Using a hyphen as inputfile makes Nmap read fromstandard input. 
    15.5 Fast Scan
    The -F option scans only those ports listed in the nmap services file (or theprotocols file if the scan type is -sO). This is far faster than scanning all 65,535ports!! 
    15.6 Time-To-Live
    The -ttl ¡value¿ option sets the IPv4 packets time-to-live. The usefulness of this isin mapping paths through networks and determining ACL’s on firewalls (settingthe ttl to one past the packet filter can help to determine information about thefiltering rules themselves). Repeated Nmap scans to a single port using differingttl values will emulate a traceroute style network path map (Try it, its greatfun for a while, until you get bored and realise traceroute does it all for youautomatically!).

    14 Outputting Logs

    Logging in Nmap can be provided by the -oN, -oX or -oG options. Each oneis followed by the name of the logfile. -oN outputs a human readable log, -oX

    outputs an XML log and -oG outputs a grepable log. The -oA option outputs inall 3 formats, and -oS outputs in a format I’m sure none of you would ever wantto use (try it; you’ll see what I mean!)The –append-output option appends scan results to the output files you specifiedinstead of overwriting their contents.

    13 OS Fingerprinting

    The -O option turns on Nmap’s OS fingerprinting system. Used alongside the-v verbosity options, you can gain information about the remote operating system

    and about its TCP Sequenmce Number generation (useful for planning Idlescans).An article on OS detection is available at

    11 Window Scan, RPC Scan, List Scan [-sW, -sR, -sL]

    The TCP Window scan is similar to the ACK scan but can sometimes detectopen ports as well as filtered/unfiltered ports. This is due to anomalies in TCPWindow size reporting by some operating systems (see the Nmap manual for alist, or the nmap-hackers mailing list for the full list of susceptible OS’).

    RPC Scans can be used in conjunction with other scan types to try to determineif an open TCP or UDP port is an RPC service, and if so, which program,and version numbers are running on it. Decoys are not supported with RPCscans (see section on Timing and Hiding Scans, below).List scanning simply prints a list of IPs and names (DNS resolution will beused unless the -n option is passed to Nmap) without actually pinging or scanningthe hosts.

    12 Timing and Hiding Scans

    12.1 TimingNmap
    adjusts its timings automatically depending on network speed and responsetimes of the victim. However, you may want more control over the timing in orderto create a more stealthy scan, or to get the scan over and done with quicker.The main timing option is set through the -T parameter. There are six predefinedtiming policies which can be specified by name or number (starting with0, corresponding to Paranoid timing). The timings are Paranoid, Sneaky, Polite,Normal, Aggressive and Insane.

    A -T Paranoid (or -T0) scan will wait (generally) at least 5 minutes betweeneach packet sent. This makes it almost impossible for a firewall to detect a portscan in progress (since the scan takes so long it would most likely be attributedto random network traffic). Such a scan will still show up in logs, but it will beso spread out that most analysis tools or humans will miss it completely.A -T Insane (or -T5) scan will map a host in very little time, provided youare on a very fast network or don’t mind losing some information along the way.Timings for individual aspects of a scan can also be set using the –host timeout,–max rtt timeout, –min rtt timeout, –initial rtt timeout, –max parallelism, –min parallelism,and –scan delay options. See the Nmap manual for details.

    12.2 Decoys 
    The -D option allows you to specify Decoys. This option makes it look like thosedecoys are scanning the target network. It does not hide your own IP, but itmakes your IP one of a torrent of others supposedly scanning the victim at the11same time. This not only makes the scan look more scary, but reduces the chanceof you being traced from your scan (difficult to tell which system is the ”real”source).
    12.3 FTP Bounce
    The FTP protocol (RFC 959) specified support for a ”proxy” ftp, which alloweda connection to an FTP server to send data to anywhere on the internet. Thistends not to work with modern ftpds, in which it is an option usually disabled inthe configuration. If a server with this feature is used by Nmap, it can be usedto try to connect to ports on your victim, thus determining their state.This scan method allows for some degree of anonymity, although the FTPserver may log connections and commands sent to it.
    12.4 Turning Off Ping
    The -P0 (that’s a zero) option allows you to switch off ICMP pings. The -PToption switches on TCP Pings, you can specify a port after the -PT option to bethe port to use for the TCP ping.Disabling pings has two advantages: First, it adds extra stealth if you’rerunning one of the more stealthy attacks, and secondly it allows Nmap to scanhosts which don’t reply to pings (ordinarily, Nmap would report those hosts asbeing ”down” and not scan them).In conjunction with -PT, you can use -PS to send SYN packets instead ofACK packets for your TCP Ping.The -PU option (with optional port list after) sends UDP packets for your”ping”. This may be best to send to suspected-closed ports rather than openones, since open UDP ports tend not to respond to zero-length UDP packets.Other ping types are -PE (Standard ICMP Echo Request), -PP (ICMP TimestampRequest), -PM (Netmask Request) and -PB (default, uses both ICMP EchoRequest and TCP ping, with ACK packets)
    12.5 Fragmenting
    The -f option splits the IP packet into tiny fragments when used with -sS, -sF,-sX or -sN. This makes it more difficult for a firewall or packet filter to determinethe packet type. Note that many modern packet filters and firewalls (includingiptables) feature optional defragmenters for such fragmented packets, and willthus reassemble the packet to check its type before sending it on. Less complexfirewalls will not be able to cope with fragmented packets this small and will mostlikely let the OS reassemble them and send them to the port they were intendedto reach. Using this option could crash some less stable software and hardwaresince packet sizes get pretty small with this option!12 
    12.6 Idle Scanning
    See the section on -sI for information about idle scans.

    10 ACK Scan [-sA]

    Usually used to map firewall rulesets and distinguish between stateful and statelessfirewalls, this scan type sends ACK packets to a host. If an RST comes back,the port is classified ”unfiltered” (that is, it was allowed to send its RST throughwhatever firewall was in place). If nothing comes back, the port is said to be”filtered”. That is, the firewall prevented the RST coming back from the port.

    This scan type can help determine if a firewall is stateless (just blocks incomingSYN packets) or stateful (tracks connections and also blocks unsolicited ACKpackets).Note that an ACK scan will never show ports in the ”open” state, and so itshould be used in conjunction with another scan type to gain more informationabout firewalls or packet filters between yourself and the victim.10

    9 Version Detection [-sV]

    Version Detection collects information about the specific service running on anopen port, including the product name and version number. This information canbe critical in determining an entry point for an attack. The -sV option enables

    version detection, and the -A option enables both OS fingerprinting and versiondetection, as well as any other advanced features which may be added in futurereleases.Version detection is based on a complex series of probes, detailed in the VersionDetection paper at

    8 Idle Scanning [-sI]

    Idle scanning is an advanced, highly stealthed technique, where no packets aresent to the target which can be identified to originate from the scanning machine.A zombie host (and optionally port) must be specified for this scan type. Thezombie host must satisfy certain criteria essential to the workings of this scan.This scan type works by exploiting ”predictable IP fragmentation ID” sequencegeneration on the zombie host, to determine open ports on the target.

    The scan checks the IPID on the zombie, then spoofs a connection request to thetarget machine, making it appear to come from the zombie. If the target port isopen, a SYN/ACK session acknowledgement will be sent from the target machineback to the zombie, which will RST the connection since it has no record of havingopened such a connection. If the port on the target is closed, an RST will besent to the zombie, and no further packets will be sent. The attacker then checksthe IPID on the zombie again. If it has incremented by 2 (or changed by twosteps in its sequence), this corresponds to the packet received from the target,plus the RST from the zombie, which equates to an open port on the target. Ifthe IPID has changed by one step, an RST was received from the target and nofurther packets were sent.Using this mechanism, it is possible to scan every port on a target, whilstmaking it appear that the zombie was the one doing the scanning. Of course,the spoofed connection attempts will likely be logged, so the target system willhave the zombie IP address, and the zombie system’s logs are likely to containthe attacker’s IP address, so it is still possible, after acquiring logs through legalchannels, to determine the attacker, but this method makes it much more difficultto do so than if the packets were sent directly from the attacker. In addition,some IDS and firewall software makes attempts to detect spoofed packets basedon the network they arrive from. As long as the zombie host and the attackerare both ”out on the Internet”, or on the same network as each other, relative tothe target, techniques to identify spoofed packets are not likely to succeed.9This scan type requires certain things of the zombie. The IPID sequencegeneration must be predictable (single-step increments, for example). The hostmust also have low traffic so that it is unlikely for other packets to hit the zombiewhilst Nmap is carrying out its scan (as these will artificially inflate the IPIDnumber!). Cheap routers or MS Windows boxes make good zombie hosts. Mostoperating systems use randomised sequence numbers (see the OS Fingerprintingsection for details on how to check a target’s sequence generation type).The idle scan can also be used to determine IP trust based relationshipsbetween hosts (e.g. a firewall may allow a certain host to connect to port x, butnot other hosts). This scan type can help to determine which hosts have accessto such a system.For more information about this scan type, read

    6 UDP Scan [-sU]

    Scanning for open UDP ports is done with the -sU option. With this scan type,Nmap sends 0-byte UDP packets to each target port on the victim. Receipt ofan ICMP Port Unreachable message signifies the port is closed, otherwise it isassumed open.
    One major problem with this technique is that, when a firewall blocks outgoingICMP Port Unreachable messages, the port will appear open. These falsepositivesare hard to distinguish from real open ports.

    Another disadvantage with UDP scanning is the speed at which it can beperformed. Most operating systems limit the number of ICMP Port Unreachablemessages which can be generated in a certain time period, thus slowing the speedof a UDP scan. Nmap adjusts its scan speed accordingly to avoid flooding anetwork with useless packets. An interesting point to note here is that Microsoftdo not limit the Port Unreachable error generation frequency, and thus it is easyto scan a Windows machine’s 65,535 UDP Ports in very little time!!UDP Scanning is not usually useful for most types of attack, but it can revealinformation about services or trojans which rely on UDP, for example SNMP,NFS, the Back Orifice trojan backdoor and many other exploitable services.Most modern services utilise TCP, and thus UDP scanning is not usuallyincluded in a pre-attack information gathering exercise unless a TCP scan orother sources indicate that it would be worth the time taken to perform a UDPscan.7 IP Protocol Scans [-sO]The IP Protocol Scans attempt to determine the IP protocols supported on atarget. Nmap sends a raw IP packet without any additional protocol header (seea good TCP/IP book for information about IP packets), to each protocol on thetarget machine. Receipt of an ICMP Protocol Unreachable message tells us theprotocol is not in use, otherwise it is assumed open. Not all hosts send ICMPProtocol Unreachable messages. These may include firewalls, AIX, HP-UX andDigital UNIX). These machines will report all protocols open.This scan type also falls victim to the ICMP limiting rate described in theUDP scans section, however since only 256 protocols are possible (8-bit field forIP protocol in the IP header) it should not take too long.Results of an -sO on my Linux workstation are included below.
    1 [chaos]# nmap -sO
    3 Starting Nmap 4.01 at 2006-07-14 12:56 BST
    4 Interesting protocols on chaos(
    5 (The 251 protocols scanned but not shown below are
    6 in state: closed)
    8 1 open icmp
    9 2 open|filtered igmp
    10 6 open tcp
    11 17 open udp
    12 255 open|filtered unknown
    14 Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in
    15 1.259 seconds

    5 Ping Scan [-sP]

    This scan type lists the hosts within the specified range that responded to a ping.It allows you to detect which computers are online, rather than which ports areopen. Four methods exist within Nmap for ping sweeping.The first method sends an ICMP ECHO REQUEST (ping request) packet tothe destination system. If an ICMP ECHO REPLY is received, the system is up,and ICMP packets are not blocked. If there is no response to the ICMP ping,Nmap will try a ”TCP Ping”, to determine whether ICMP is blocked, or if thehost is really not online.

    A TCP Ping sends either a SYN or an ACK packet to any port (80 is thedefault) on the remote system. If RST, or a SYN/ACK, is returned, then theremote system is online. If the remote system does not respond, either it is offline,or the chosen port is filtered, and thus not responding to anything.When you run an Nmap ping scan as root, the default is to use the ICMP andACK methods. Non-root users will use the connect() method, which attempts toconnect to a machine, waiting for a response, and tearing down the connection assoon as it has been established (similar to the SYN/ACK method for root users,but this one establishes a full TCP connection!)The ICMP scan type can be disabled by setting -P0 (that is, zero, not uppercaseo).7

    4 FIN, Null and Xmas Tree Scans [-sF, -sN, -sX]

    With the multitude of modern firewalls and IDS’ now looking out for SYN scans,these three scan types may be useful to varying degrees. Each scan type refersto the flags set in the TCP header. The idea behind these type of scans is thata closed port should respond with an RST upon receiving packets, whereas anopen port should just drop them (it’s listening for packets with SYN set). Thisway, you never make even part of a connection, and never send a SYN packet;which is what most IDS’ look out for.

    The FIN scan sends a packet with only the FIN flag set, the Xmas Tree scansets the FIN, URG and PUSH flags (see a good TCP/IP book for more details)and the Null scan sends a packet with no flags switched on.These scan types will work against any system where the TCP/IP implementationfollows RFC 793. Microsoft Windows does not follow the RFC, and willignore these packets even on closed ports. This technicality allows you to detectan MS Windows system by running SYN along with one of these scans. If theSYN scan shows open ports, and the FIN/NUL/XMAS does not, chances areyou’re looking at a Windows box (though OS Fingerprinting is a much morereliable way of determining the OS running on a target!)The sample below shows a SYN scan and a FIN scan, performed against aLinux system. The results are, predictably, the same, but the FIN scan is lesslikely to show up in a logging system.
    1 [chaos]# nmap -sS
    3 Starting Nmap 4.01 at 2006-07-06 17:23 BST
    4 Interesting ports on chaos (
    5 (The 1668 ports scanned but not shown below are in state:
    6 closed)
    8 21/tcp open ftp6
    9 22/tcp open ssh
    10 631/tcp open ipp
    11 6000/tcp open X11
    13 Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.207
    14 seconds
    15 [chaos]# nmap -sF
    17 Starting Nmap 4.01 at 2006-07-06 17:23 BST
    18 Interesting ports on chaos (
    19 (The 1668 ports scanned but not shown below are in state:
    20 closed)
    22 21/tcp open|filtered ftp
    23 22/tcp open|filtered ssh
    24 631/tcp open|filtered ipp
    25 6000/tcp open|filtered X11
    27 Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.28428 seconds

    3 Basic Scan Types [-sT, -sS]

    The two basic scan types used most in Nmap are TCP connect() scanning [-sT]and SYN scanning (also known as half-open, or stealth scanning) [-sS].These two types are explained in detail below.

    3.1 TCP connect() Scan [-sT]
    These scans are so called because UNIX sockets programming uses a system callnamed connect() to begin a TCP connection to a remote site. If connect()succeeds, a connection was made. If it fails, the connection could not be made(the remote system is offline, the port is closed, or some other error occurredalong the way). This allows a basic type of port scan, which attempts to connect4to every port in turn, and notes whether or not the connection succeeded. Oncethe scan is completed, ports to which a connection could be established are listedas open, the rest are said to be closed.This method of scanning is very effective, and provides a clear picture of theports you can and cannot access. If a connect() scan lists a port as open, youcan definitely connect to it - that is what the scanning computer just did! Thereis, however, a major drawback to this kind of scan; it is very easy to detect onthe system being scanned. If a firewall or intrusion detection system is runningon the victim, attempts to connect() to every port on the system will almostalways trigger a warning. Indeed, with modern firewalls, an attempt to connectto a single port which has been blocked or has not been specifically ”opened” willusually result in the connection attempt being logged. Additionally, most serverswill log connections and their source IP, so it would be easy to detect the sourceof a TCP connect() scan.For this reason, the TCP Stealth Scan was developed.

    3.2 SYN Stealth Scan [-sS]
    I’ll begin this section with an overview of the TCP connection process. Thosefamiliar with TCP/IP can skip the first few paragraphs.When a TCP connection is made between two systems, a process known as a”three way handshake” occurs. This involves the exchange of three packets, andsynchronises the systems with each other (necessary for the error correction builtinto TCP. Refer to a good TCP/IP book for more details.The system initiating the connection sends a packet to the system it wantsto connect to. TCP packets have a header section with a flags field. Flags tellthe receiving end something about the type of packet, and thus what the correctresponse is.Here, I will talk about only four of the possible flags. These are SYN (Synchronise),ACK (Acknowledge), FIN (Finished) and RST (Reset). SYN packetsinclude a TCP sequence number, which lets the remote system know what sequencenumbers to expect in subsequent communication. ACK acknowledges receiptof a packet or set of packets, FIN is sent when a communication is finished,requesting that the connection be closed, and RST is sent when the connectionis to be reset (closed immediately).To initiate a TCP connection, the initiating system sends a SYN packet tothe destination, which will respond with a SYN of its own, and an ACK, acknowledgingthe receipt of the first packet (these are combined into a single SYN/ACKpacket). The first system then sends an ACK packet to acknowledge receipt ofthe SYN/ACK, and data transfer can then begin.SYN or Stealth scanning makes use of this procedure by sending a SYN packetand looking at the response. If SYN/ACK is sent back, the port is open and theremote end is trying to open a TCP connection. The scanner then sends an RST5to tear down the connection before it can be established fully; often preventingthe connection attempt appearing in application logs. If the port is closed, anRST will be sent. If it is filtered, the SYN packet will have been dropped andno response will be sent. In this way, Nmap can detect three port states - open,closed and filtered. Filtered ports may require further probing since they couldbe subject to firewall rules which render them open to some IPs or conditions,and closed to others.Modern firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems can detect SYN scans, butin combination with other features of Nmap, it is possible to create a virtuallyundetectable SYN scan by altering timing and other options (explained later).

    1 Introduction

    Nmap is a free, open-source port scanner available for both UNIX and Windows.
    It has an optional graphical front-end, NmapFE, and supports a wide variety of
    scan types, each one with different benefits and drawbacks.
    This article describes some of these scan types, explaining their relative benefits
    and just how they actually work. It also offers tips about which types of
    scan would be best against which types of host.
    The article assumes you have Nmap installed (or that you know how to install
    it. Instructions are available on the Nmap website,
    nmap/install/inst-source.html ), and that you have the required privileges
    to run the scans detailed (many scans require root or Administrator privileges).
    A frequently asked questions section has been added since the first version of
    this article, and this is included as the last section in this version. This is a fully
    revised and updated version of this tutorial, re-typed and converted to a TeX
    format, allowing more output formats to be utilised. At the time of writing, the
    latest Nmap version was 4.11.

    2 Disclaimer

    This information is provided to assist users of Nmap in scanning their own networks,or networks for which they have been given permission to scan, in orderto determine the security of such networks. it is not intended to assist with scanningremote sites with the intention of breaking into or exploiting services on

    those sites, or for imformation gathering purposes beyond those allowed by law.I hereby disclaim any responsibility for actions taken based upon the informationin this article, and urge all who seek information towards a destructive end toreconsider their life, and do something constructive instead.