15.1 IPv6
The -6 option enables IPv6 in Nmap (provided your OS has IPv6 support). Currentlyonly TCP connect, and TCP connect ping scan are supported. For otherscantypes, see http://nmap6.sourceforge.net
15.2 Verbose Mode
Highly recommended, -vUse -v twice for more verbosity. The option -d can also be used (once ortwice) to generate more verbose output.
15.3 Resuming
Scans cancelled with Ctrl+C can be resumed with the –resume ¡logfilename¿option. The logfile must be a Normal or Grepable logfile (-oN or -oG).13
15.4 Reading Targets From A File
-iL ¡inputfilename¿ reads targets from inputfilename rather than from the commandline.The file should contain a hostlist or list of network expressions separated byspaces, tabs or newlines. Using a hyphen as inputfile makes Nmap read fromstandard input.
15.5 Fast Scan
The -F option scans only those ports listed in the nmap services file (or theprotocols file if the scan type is -sO). This is far faster than scanning all 65,535ports!!
15.6 Time-To-Live
The -ttl ¡value¿ option sets the IPv4 packets time-to-live. The usefulness of this isin mapping paths through networks and determining ACL’s on firewalls (settingthe ttl to one past the packet filter can help to determine information about thefiltering rules themselves). Repeated Nmap scans to a single port using differingttl values will emulate a traceroute style network path map (Try it, its greatfun for a while, until you get bored and realise traceroute does it all for youautomatically!).
Highly recommended, -vUse -v twice for more verbosity. The option -d can also be used (once ortwice) to generate more verbose output.
15.3 Resuming
Scans cancelled with Ctrl+C can be resumed with the –resume ¡logfilename¿option. The logfile must be a Normal or Grepable logfile (-oN or -oG).13
15.4 Reading Targets From A File
-iL ¡inputfilename¿ reads targets from inputfilename rather than from the commandline.The file should contain a hostlist or list of network expressions separated byspaces, tabs or newlines. Using a hyphen as inputfile makes Nmap read fromstandard input.
15.5 Fast Scan
The -F option scans only those ports listed in the nmap services file (or theprotocols file if the scan type is -sO). This is far faster than scanning all 65,535ports!!
15.6 Time-To-Live
The -ttl ¡value¿ option sets the IPv4 packets time-to-live. The usefulness of this isin mapping paths through networks and determining ACL’s on firewalls (settingthe ttl to one past the packet filter can help to determine information about thefiltering rules themselves). Repeated Nmap scans to a single port using differingttl values will emulate a traceroute style network path map (Try it, its greatfun for a while, until you get bored and realise traceroute does it all for youautomatically!).
pak kok semua versi bahasa inggris? nggak ada yang indonesianya ya?